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New rules for straw storage are now simpler, but still limit the size of the circulation.
With effect from 1 July 2020, the Danish Emergency Management Agency's Executive Order no. 1070 of 29 June 2020 on technical regulations for combustible solids has entered into force. The technical regulations for combustible solids are set out in the Annex to the Executive Order.

The relationship between storage sections in the open air is dealt with in Chapter 5. read more

The limit for when a stockpile of straw consisting of one or more stacks in the open is covered by the Danish Emergency Management Agency's (BRS) rules has been raised to 1,000 cubic meters. That equates to about 250 big balls or 360 midi balls. The size of each edition is still limited to 5,000 cubic meters (1,250 bigballs or 1,800 midi balls).

BRS emphasizes that the provisions in the new technical regulations for combustible solids largely consist of functional requirements (general requirements) that describe the considerations behind the provision. The reason why more emphasis is placed on functional requirements is mainly due to the desire to provide space for individual and innovative solutions that suit local conditions and companies.

In certain areas, the Danish Emergency Management Agency tightens the rules for straw stored in stacks. This is due both to the fact that there may be a risk of aviation fire, which requires greater distance if the stack burns, but also that there may be a risk of self-ignition, and therefore temperature control of the storage must be carried out on an ongoing basis.

When should I apply to the local emergency services:

If the stock of straw exceeds 1,000 cubic meters (250 big bales or 360 midi bales), permission must be sought from the municipality. Several storage places can be applied for in the same application.

What must the application contain:


The application must contain the size of the total straw layout (cubic meters) and the size of the individual storage sections as well as the mutual location of the individual storage sections in relation to each other. In the case of stacks, with a risk of self-ignition, an explanation must be given of how to avoid this.

The distance conditions on the plot (the land register) must be described. These are the distance from the straw warehouse to the neighboring boundary, road and path center, road and path threshold, flammable vegetation and distance to other warehouses and buildings. The description must be stated on a drawing (situation plan).

Due to the risk of aviation, a large stockpile of straw should be placed so that there is at least 100 meters to the surroundings, including neighboring boundaries and roads.

Drawing indicating various distances:

The drawing shows a 4,000 cubic meter straw store. 100 meters to the neighboring boundary, and as the road is a small less busy road and the straw only stays in one single harvest season, the straw can be placed close to the road.

An example is a stockpile of straw, which should only be placed in a single season (ie completely short-lived character), which is to be placed close to a small, less busy road, and which is placed at a distance to a road junction of 10 m (most often will be sufficient between a straw store and road junction), However, at least 100 meters from the nearest building.





Grænsen for, hvornår et oplag af halm bestående af en eller flere stakke i det fri er omfattet af Beredskabsstyrelsens (BRS) regler, er hævet til 1.000 kubikmeter. Det svarer til cirka 250 bigballer eller 360 midi baller. Størrelsen på det enkelte oplag er stadigvæk begrænset til 5.000 kubikmeter (1.250 bigballer eller 1.800 midi baller).


BRS fremhæver, at bestemmelserne i de nye tekniske forskrifter for brændbare faste stoffer i høj grad består af funktionskrav (overordnede krav), der beskriver hensynet bag bestemmelsen. Grunden til, at der i højere grad lægges vægt på funktionskrav, skyldes især at man ønsker at give plads til individuelle og innovative løsninger, som passer til lokale forhold og virksomheder.


Beredskabsstyrelsen skærper på visse områder reglerne for halm opbevaret i stakke. Det skyldes både, at der kan være fare for flyveild, som kræver større afstand, hvis stakken brænder, men også at der kan være risiko for selvantændelse, og derfor skal der løbende foretages temperaturkontrol af lageret.

Hvornår skal jeg ansøge det lokale beredskab?:


Hvis oplag af halm overstiger 1.000 kubikmeter (250 bigballer eller 360 midi baller), skal der søges tilladelse hos kommunen. Der kan søges om flere oplagspladser i samme ansøgning. 

Hvad skal ansøgningen indeholde?:


Ansøgningen skal indeholde størrelse på det samlede halmoplæg (kubikmeter) og størrelsen af de enkelte lageafsnit samt den indbyrdes placering af de enkelte lagerafsnit i forhold til hinanden. Er der tale om stakke, med risiko for selvantændelse, skal der redegøres for, hvordan man vil undgå dette.


Afstandsforholdene på grunden (matriklen) skal beskrives. Det drejer sig om afstanden fra halmoplaget til naboskel, vej- og stimidte, vej- og stiskel, letantændelig vegetation samt afstand til andre oplag og bygninger. Beskrivelsen skal være angivet på en tegning (situationsplan).


Et stort oplag af halm bør på grund af risiko for flyveild placeres, så der er mindst 100 meter til omgivelserne, herunder naboskel samt veje.


Tegning med angivelse af diverse afstande:


På tegningen vises et 4.000 kubikmeter halmlager. 100 meter til naboskel, og idet vejen er en lille mindre befærdet vej, og halmen kun bliver stående i én enkelt høstsæson, kan halmen placeres tæt på vejen. 


Et eksempel er et oplag af halm, som kun skal placeres i en enkelt sæson (dvs. helt kortvarig karakter), som ønskes placeret tæt på en lille, mindre befærdet vej, og som placeres med en afstand til vejskel på 10 m (som oftest vil være tilstrækkeligt mellem et halmoplag og vejskel), Dog mindst 100 meter fra nærmest bygning.

Afstand 2.png
Afstand 1.png




Lolland-Falster brandvæsen

Skibevej 2
4930 Maribo


Telefon: 61 94 80 00


CVR: 35420908


Mandag - Torsdag   08:00 - 15:30
Fredag                       08:00 - 12:30


Lolland-Falster brandvæsen har lukket for personlig henvendelse følgende dage:

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